What we do

We provide a wide range of drug and alcohol support services in Nottingham City.

How we can help

Our team is located at Nottingham Wellbeing Hub (on Houndsgate in the City Centre).

We run a wide range of services from triage to ongoing recovery support and rehabilitation in the community. We can help people in Nottingham City facing:

  • Substance use which is having a negative impact on their health and wellbeing.

We can also offer additional support, guidance and signposting for people we support, around:

  • Physical and mental health issues
  • Homelessness and housing issues.
How We Can Help


We also offer employment support and learning opportunities for clients (people accessing our services).


Family & friends

We are also able to provide dedicated support for family members and carers of people who are accessing our services.

Our Recovery First principles

Our treatment and support approach is based on a Recovery First principle. We focus on the individual needs of each person, and intensive personalised recovery support is received from the very first meeting with our team.

Our recovery support programmes provide a stable platform from which clients can rebuild their health and wellbeing on a sustainable basis over a timeframe that works for them.

We also focus on facilitating rapid access to support after relapse or loss of contact with any of our services.



Recovery is a human right and everyone should be able to access recovery support throughout their recovery journey.



Harm reduction, treatment and recovery support are equally important.



Support should be flexible and provided for as long as needed.



Recovery treatment and support remain with the individual.

In Partnership With